Frequently Asked Questions about the Village of Plandome:


When are village taxes due?

First half tax is due between June 1 & July 1, second half tax is due between November 1 & December 1


When are village water bills due?

Water meters are read twice a year, in June and December; the bills are generally mailed 4-6 weeks after the meter readings.


Who is the Village's garbage collection contractor?

Meadow Carting ~ 516-338-0121


Who is the Village's street lighting contractor?

Welsbach Electric:  631-874-8444


What is Plandome's fiscal year?

Plandome's fiscal year is June 1 - May 31


When is the annual Village election held?

The annual Village election is generally held on the third Tuesday of March of each year.


What is the population of the Village?

Approximately 1,350 residents


What legislative districts is Plandome located in?

Plandome is in US Congressional District #3, NYS Senate District #7, NYS Assembly District #16 & Nassau County Legislative District #9